Tuesday, 17 April 2007

the sick wing of christianity

Okay, I know you're going to say that every wing of christianity is sick, but to my mind some are worse than others. This is a true quote from a website (American of course!) shows clearly how depraved some of these losers are. Read it and weep.

'People don't like to hear about hell. But I'm here to tell you that if Jesus is not your Lord and Savior, you are on your way to hell. Some of you will be upset at this bad news. You think that I'm all gloom and doom. Tell me this...if your house were on fire, would you want me to let you know? Of course you would. You'd probably thank me for telling you. Well, if you go to hell, YOU will be the one on fire.

Hell may not be a politically correct topic these days, but many people enter hell everyday. Out of the 120,000 people that die everyday, most end up in hell. Hell is a real place despite the fact that people laugh and say that they want to go there. They simply don't understand how terrible hell is. Just because you've never seen hell doesn't mean it doesn't exist. We have a searing, accurate description of what hell is like in God's word. (We'll get to some scriptures in a minute) Hell is awful and if you don't believe in Jesus, you'd better get on the stick or else that's going to be your eternal destination'.

Read full text here. Prepare to wet yourself laughing!

Now this sort of drivel may have frightened kiddies in the seventeeth century, but to my mind the writer is clearly either schizophrenic or a danger to the public.

Paganism never produces this nastiness. We believe in the connectedness of everyone, that we are all responsible for our own actions, that there is no heaven or hell and the christians' favourite 'god', Satan, is the stupidest idea EVER.

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